Selected Works
Jason Dahlstrom, James Brock, Mekedem Tenaw, Matthew Shaver and Stephen Taylor, "Hardening Containers for Cross-Domain Applications," MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Norfolk, VA, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6.
Stephen Taylor, "Protecting Embedded Systems from Zero-Day Attacks", IEEE NAECON 2018, July 23-26, pp 165-168.
Jason Dahlstrom and Stephen Taylor, "Hardware Turnstile", U.S. Patent 10,938,913, Mar 2, 2021.
Jason Dahlstrom and Stephen Taylor, "System-On-Chip Data Security Appliance Encryption Device and Methods of Operating the Same", U.S. Patent 10,616,344, Apr 7 2020. VIN Continuation Patent.
Jason Dahlstrom and Stephen Taylor, "Endpoints for Performing Distributed Sensing and Control and Methods of Operating the Same", US Patent 10,440,121 , Oct 8 2019.
Jason Dahlstrom and Stephen Taylor, "System-on-Chip Data Security Appliance and Methods of Operating the Same", U.S. Patent 10,389,817, Aug 20 2019. Diode Continuation Patent.
Jason Dahlstrom and Stephen Taylor, "System-on-Chip Data Security Appliance and Methods of Operating the Same", U.S. Patent 10,148,761, Dec 4 2018.
Robert Denz, Scott Brookes, Martin Osterloh, Stephen Kuhn, and Stephen Taylor, “Symmetric Multiprocessing from Boot to Virtualization”, ACM Software Practice and Experience, Vol 48, Issue 3, March 2018, pp 681-718.

Scott Brooks, Robert Denz, Martin Osterloh, and Stephen Taylor, "ExOShim: Preventing Memory Disclosure using Execute-Only Kernel Code", International Journal of Information and Computer Security, In Press.
Scott Brookes, Martin Osterloh, Robert Denz, and Stephen Taylor, "Uberdiversity: Exploring the Limit of Load-Time Software Diversification", Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, Technical Report, March 2018, TR18-01.
Robert Denz, Scott Brookes, Martin Osterloh, Stephen Kuhn, and Stephen Taylor, “Symmetric Multiprocessing from Boot to Virtualization”, ACM Software Practice and Experience, Vol 48, Issue 3, March 2018, pp 681-718.
Scott Brookes and Stephen Taylor, “Rethinking Operating System Design: Asymmetric Multiprocessing for Security and Performance”, Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop, NSPW'16, pp 68-79, New York, NY, Sept 26-29 2016.
Scott Brookes and Stephen Taylor, "Containing a Confused Deputy on x86: A Survey of Privilege Escalation Mitigation Techniques”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), April 2016.
Scott Brookes, Robert Denz, Martin Osterloh, and Stephen Taylor, “ExOShim: Preventing Memory Disclosure using Execute-Only Kernel Code.", International Journal of Information and Computer Security, April 2016.
Robert Denz and Stephen Taylor, ''Securing the Cloud through Utility Virtual Machines'', In the Proceedings of IMCIC, Orlando, FL, March, 2016.
Scott Brookes, Robert Denz, Martin Osterloh, and Stephen Taylor, “ExOShim: Preventing Memory Disclosure using Execute-Only Kernel Code”, 11th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS’16), pp 56–64, Boston University, Boston, MA, March 2016. already included
Scott Brookes, Martin Osterloh, Robert Denz, and Stephen Taylor, “The KPLT: The Kernel as a Shared Object”, MILCOM 2015, pp 981-986, Oct 2015.
Stephen Kuhn and Stephen Taylor, “Locating Zero-day Exploits with Course-Grained Forensics”, Journal of Information Warfare, Vol 14, Issue 4, Oct 2015.
Stephen Kuhn and Stephen Taylor, “Locating Zero-day Exploits with Course-Grained Forensics”, 14th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security ECCWS-2015, 2-3 July 2015, pp 159-168.
Jason Dahlstrom and Stephen Taylor, “Hardware-Based Code Monitors on Hybrid, Processor-FPGA System-on-Chip Architectures, MILCOM 2015, pp 968-973, Oct 2015.
Martin Osterloh, Robert Denz, and Stephen Taylor, “Diversified-NFS”, International Conference on Cloud Security Management (ICCSM) 2014, Oct 2014.
Colin Nichols, Morgon Kanter, and Stephen Taylor, “Bear – A Resilient Kernel for Tactical Missions”, In proceedings of MILCOM 2013, pp 1416-1421, Nov 2013. (Co funded with CRASH).
Morgon Kanter, and Stephen Taylor, “Diversity in Cloud Systems through Runtime and Compile-Time Relocation “, In proceedings of IEEE-HST 2013.
Morgon Kanter, and Stephen Taylor, “Attack Mitigation through Diversity“, In proceedings of MILCOM 2013, pp 1410-1415, Nov 2013.
Robert Denz, and Stephen Taylor, “A Survey on Securing the Virtual Cloud”, Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems, and Applications, Volume 2, Issue 1 on 6 November 2013.
DARPA Crash Program
Jason Dahlstrom and Stephen Taylor, “Migrating an OS Scheduler into Tightly Coupled FPGA Logic to Increase Attacker Workload”, In proceedings of MILCOM 2013, pp 986-991, Nov 2013.
Michael Henson and Stephen Taylor. "Beyond Disk Encryption: Protection on Security Enhanced Commodity Processors" Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS '13) June 25-29, 2013.
Michael Henson and Stephen Taylor, "Attack Mitigation through Memory Encryption of Security Enhanced Commodity Processors" In the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security (ICIW '13), Hart, D. (eds.) pp. 265-268. March 2013.
Michael Henson and Stephen Taylor, “Memory Encryption: A Survey of Existing Techniques”, To Appear in ACM Computing Surveys.
Stephen Kuhn and Stephen Taylor, "A forensic hypervisor for process tracking and exploit discovery," In Proceedings of MILCOM 2012 , vol., no., pp.1,5, Oct. 29 2012-Nov. 1 2012. doi: 10.1109/MILCOM.2012.6415817
Stephen Kuhn, and Stephen Taylor, "Increasing attacker workload with virtual machines," In Proceedings of MILCOM 2011 , vol., no., pp.2176,2181, 7-10 Nov. 2011. doi: 10.1109/MILCOM.2011.6127643
Kathleen McGill and Stephen Taylor, “Computational Resiliency for Distributed Applications,” In Proceedings of MILCOM 2011, pp 1472-1479, Nov 2011.
Kathleen McGill and Stephen Taylor, “Application Resilience with Process Failures,” In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Security and Management, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2011.
Kathleen McGill and Stephen Taylor, “Robot Algorithms for Localization of Multiple Emission Sources,” ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), vol 43, no 3, April 2011.
Kathleen McGill and Stephen Taylor, “Diffuse algorithm for robotic multi-source localization,” In Proceedings of IEEE 2011 International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications, April 2011.
C. Nichols, S. Taylor, J. Keranen, and G. Schultz, “A Concurrent Algorithm for Real-Time Tactical LiDAR”, In the proceedings of 2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 2011.
Kathleen McGill and Stephen Taylor, “Comparing Swarm Algorithms for Multi-source Localization,” In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, Denver, Colorado, November 2009.
Kathleen McGill and Stephen Taylor, “Comparing Swarm Algorithms for Large Scale Multi-source Localization,” In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications, Woburn, Massachusetts, November 2009.
Other Journal Articles
J. Lee, S. J. Chapin, and S. Taylor, "Reliable Heterogeneous Applications," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, special issue on Quality/Reliability Engineering of Information Systems, Vol. 52, No 3, pp. 330-339, 2003.
J. Haines, D. K. Ryder, L. Tinnel, and S. Taylor, Validation of Sensor Alert Correlators, IEEE Security & Privacy, Premier Edition, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 46-56, 2003.
Achalakul T. and S. Taylor, A Distributed Spectral-Screening PCT Algorithm, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 63:3, pp. 373-384, 2003.
J. Lee, S. J. Chapin, S. Taylor, Computational Resiliency, Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 18, No 3, pp 185-199, 2002.
Achalakul T., and S. Taylor, Real-Time Multi-spectral Image Fusion, Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 13:12, pp.1063-1081, 2001.
Achalakul T., and S. Taylor, A Concurrent Spectral-Screening PCT Algorithm for Remote Sensing Applications, Journal of Information Fusion, Vol. 1:2, pp. 89-97, 2000.
M. Rieffel, M. Ivanov, S. Shankar, and S. Taylor. "Concurrent Simulation of Neutral Flow in the GEC Reference Cell", Journal of Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Vol. 12:1, pp 1-19, 2000.
J. Watts, and S. Taylor, "A Vector-based Strategy for Dynamic Resource Allocation", Journal of Concurrency: Practice and Experiences, 1998.
Watts and Taylor, "A Practical Approach to Dynamic Load Balancing", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems vol. 9, pp 235-248, 1998.
Palmer, Totty, and Taylor, "Ray Casting on Shared-Memory Architectures: Efficient Exploitation of the Memory Hierarchy," IEEE Concurrency, Vol 6, No. 1, pp 20-36, Jan 1998.
Taylor, Watts, Rieffel, and Palmer, "The Concurrent Graph: Basic Technology for Irregular Problems", IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, 4(2): pp15-25, Summer 1996.
Lim, Brunett, Iotov, McClurg, Vaidehi, Dasgupta, Taylor, and Goddard, "Molecular Dynamics for Very Large Systems on Massively Parallel Computers: The MPSim Program", Journal of Computational Chemistry, vol 17, No 0, pp 501-521, John Wiley & Sons. 1996.
Samanta Roy, Hastings, and Taylor, "Three-Dimensional Plasma Particle-in-Cell Calculations of Ion Thruster Backflow Contamination", Journal of Computational Physics, vol 128, pp6-18, 1996.
Taylor and Wang, "Launch Vehicle Simulations using a Concurrent, Implicit Navier-Stokes Solver", AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol 33, No. 5, pp 601-606, Oct 1996.
Maskit and Taylor, "A Message-Driven Programming System for Fine-Grain Multicomputers", Software Practice and Experience, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp 953-980, Oct 1994.
Foster and Taylor, "A Compiler Approach to Scalable Concurrent-Program Design", ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp 577-604, May 1994.
Foster, Kessleman, and Taylor, "Concurrency: Simple Concepts and Powerful Tools", The Computer Journal, 30(1), 1990.
Taylor, et. al., "Notes on the Complexity of Systolic Programs", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1987.
Taylor, et al., "A Layered Method for Process and Code Mapping", Journal of New Generation Computing. Vol. 5, No. 2, 1987.
Taylor, et al., "A Parallel Implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog", International Journal of Parallel Programming. Vol 15, No. 3. 1987.
Foster and Taylor, "Flat Parlog: A Basis for Comparison", International Journal of Parallel Programming. Vol 16, No. 2, pp 87-125, 1987.
Book Chapters
R. Roy, D. Hastings, and S. Taylor. "Three-Dimensional Plasma Particle-in-Cell Calculations of Ion Thruster Backflow Contamination." In Book: Industrial Strength Parallel Computing. Morgan Kaufmann, pp 267-296, 2000.
J. Wang and S. Taylor."An Architecture-Independent Navier-Strokes Code"In Book: Industrial Strength Parallel Computing. Morgan Kaufmann, pp147-168, 2000.
S. Taylor, M. Rieffel, J. Watts, and S. Shankar. "Simulation of Plasma Reactors." In Book: Industrial Strength Parallel Computing. Morgan Kaufmann, pp 227-246, 2000.
Chandy and Taylor, "Program Composition Notation", In Book: A Comparative Study of Parallel Programming Languages: The Salishan Problems. Feo, J. T. (eds), North Holland, 263-297, 1992.
Chandy and Taylor, "Examples in Program Composition", In Book: Beauty is our Business, A Birthday Salute to Edsger. W. Dijkstra Springer-Verlag, pp 94-101, 1990.
Taylor, et al., "Notes on the Complexity of Systolic Programs", Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers, MIT Press, 1987.
Taylor, et al., "A Layered Method for Process and Code Mapping", Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers MIT Press, 1987.
Foster and Taylor, "A Parallel Implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog", Concurrent Prolog: Collected Papers, MIT Press, 1987.
Other Conference Papers
J. Lee and S. Taylor, "Advances in Computation Resiliency", IEEE AeroSpace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 2001.
S. Robila, P. Haaland, T. Achalakul, and S. Taylor, "Exploring Independent Component Analysis for Remote Sensing", Workshop on Multi/Hyper-spectral sensor, Measure, Modeling, and Simulation, Redstone Arsenal, AL Nov 2000.
T. Achalakul, J. Lee, and S. Taylor, "Resilient Image Fusion", Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Parallel Processing, Toronto, Canada, pp 291-296, August 2000.
S. Taylor, T. Achalakul, J. Lee, K. Lhee, and S. Robila, "Resilient Remote Sensing", National Symposium on Sensor and Data Fusion San Antonio, TX, June 2000.
T. Achalakul, P. Haaland, and S. Taylor, "MathWeb: A Concurrent Image Analysis Tool Suite for Multi-spectral Data Fusion", Sensor Fusion: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications III, Vol. 3719, pp 351-358, April 1999.
T. Achalakul, K. Lhee, and S. Taylor, "Distributed Coordination of Data Fusion", The 2nd International Conference on Information Fusion, July 1999.
J. Watts, S. Taylor, and S. Nilpanich. “SCPlib: A Concurrent Programming Library for Programming Heterogeneous Networks of Computers.IEEE Information Technology Conference, EX 228, pp 153-6, 1998.
M. Rieffel, J. Watts, S. Taylor. Reactor Simulations for Load Balancing of Concurrent Particle Simulations, High Performance Computing Symposium '98.
M. Rieffel, S. Shankar, S. Taylor. Reactor Simulations for Semiconductor Manufacturing. Simulators International XV '98.
S. Gimelshein, M. Ivanov, G. Markelov, M. Rieffel, S. Shankar, S. Taylor. Concurrent DSMC Modeling of Rarefied Neutral Flow in the GEC Reference Cell. 29th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, April, 1998.
M. Rieffel, J. Watts, and S. Taylor. Performance Studies of Concurrent Particle Simulations. High Performance Computing Symposium '98.
J. Watts and S. Taylor. Automatic Granularity control for Load Balancing of Concurrent Particle Simulations. Grand Challenges in Computer Simulation, pp.115-20, April 1998.
J. Watts, M. Rieffel and S. Taylor. Dynamic Management of Heterogeneous Resources.High Performance Computing:Grand Challenges in Computer Simulation, pp.151-6, April, 1998.
J. Watts and S. Taylor. Communications Locality Preservation in Dynamic Load Balancing. High Performance Computing:Grand Challenges in Computer Simulation, pp.186-90, 1998.
M. Rieffel, S. Taylor, and J. Watts. "Concurrent Simulation of Plasma Reactors", Proceedings of High Performance Computing `97, pp. 163-168, Society for Computer Simulation, 1997.
Rieffel, Taylor, Watts, and Shankar, "Concurrent Simulation of Plasma Reactors", Proceedings of the 1997 Simulation MiltiConference; High Performance Computing `97: Grand Challenges in Computer Simulation, pp 163-168, 1997.
Watts, Rieffel, and Taylor, "A Load Balancing Technique for Multi-phase Computations," Proceedings of the 1997 Simulation MiltiConference; High Performance Computing `97: Grand Challenges in Computer Simulation, pp 15-20, 1997. Society for Computer Simulation.
Ivanov, Markelov, Taylor, and Watts, "Parallel DSMC Strategies for 3D Computations", Proceedings of Parallel CFD '96, pp. 485-492, 1996.
Watts, Rieffel, and Taylor, Practical Dynamic Load Balancing for Irregular Problems. Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems: IRREGULAR `96 Proceedings, pg. 299-306, Springer-Verlag LNCS, Vol. 1117, 1996.
Samanta Roy, Hastings, and Taylor, "Three-Dimensional Plasma Particle-in-Cell Calculations of Ion Thruster Backflow Contamination", To be presented at the 34th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1996, Reno, NV.
S. Taylor, J. Watts, M. Rieffel and M. Palmer. Large-Scale Irregular Calculations using Parallel Architectures. Invited paper to the 6th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, 1995.
Palmer, M.E., Taylor, S., and Totty, B. "Interactive Volume Rendering on Clusters of Shared-Memory Multicomputers," Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics '95, Pasadena, CA. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1995.
Heirich and Taylor "Load Balancing by Diffusion", Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Parallel Programming, vol 3 CRC Press pp 192-202, 1995. 1995 Outstanding Paper Award.
Taylor, Watts, Rieffel, and Palmer, "Large-Scale Irregular Calculations using Parallel Architectures", Invited paper to 6th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, 1995.
Shankar, Rieffel, Taylor, Weaver, and Wulf, "Low-Pressure Neutral Transport Modelling for Plasma Reactors," Proceedings of Workshop on Industrial Applications of Plasma Chemistry, Aug 21-25, 1995, Eds A. Wendt and J.V. Heberlein, Volume A, pp 31-40.
Taylor and Wang, "Launch Vehicle Simulations using a Concurrent, Implicit Navier-Stokes Solver", 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA, Reno, NV, 1994.
Fyfe, Taylor, and Williams, "A Concurrent, Tetrahedral Fluid Solver, based on Wave Propagation", Parallel CFD 94, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Kyoto Japan, 1994.
Palmer and Taylor, "Rotation Invariant Partitioning for Computational Scientific Visualization", Parallel CFD 94, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Kyoto Japan, 1994.
Wang and Taylor, "A Concurrent, Nodal Mismatched, Implicit Navier-Stokes Solver", Parallel CFD 94, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Kyoto Japan, 1994.
Wang and Taylor, "A Concurrent Navier-Stokes Solver for Implicit Multibody Calculations", Parallel CFD 93, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Paris, France, 1993.
Harrar II, D., Keller, H., Lin, D., and Taylor, S., "Parallel Computation of Taylor-Vortex Flows", Parallel-CFD 92, Stuttgart, Germany, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp 193--206, 1991.
Foster and Taylor, "Strand: A Practical Parallel Programming Tool", Proceedings of the North American Conference on Logic Programming, 1989.
Chandy and Taylor, The Composition of Parallel Programs, Proceedings of Supercomputing 89; Nov. 1989.
A. Lowry, S. Taylor, G. Q. Maguire Jr., S. J. Stolfo. "Logic Programming using Parallel Associative Operations". 1984 International Symposium on Logic Programming, pages 58-68. IEEE Computer Society Press, Atlantic City, February, 1984.
Air Force Research Laboratory
Mary Denz et. al., “Advances in Experiment Automation,” In Proceedings of MILCOM 2011, Baltimore, MD, Nov 2011. Best classified paper award.
Mary Denz et.al., “Range Automation”, JSCoRE, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 84-107, Oct 2013.
Stephen Taylor and Peter Haaland, “Scalable Concurrent Distributed Sensor System and Method”, Patent 7,333,921, Feb 2008.
See Selected Publications (5 patents).
Scott Brookes, Martin Osterloh, Robert Denz, and Stephen Taylor. Überdiversity: Exploring the Limit of Load-Time Software Diversification.
Technical report TR18-01, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, April 2018.
S. Taylor, Quadrennial Roles and Missions Review, Cyber Team: Vision Group Advisory Panel Final Report, July 2008.
J. Haines, R. Parks, L. Tinnel, and S. Taylor, DARPA CyberPanel Grand Challenge Problem Specification. Version 3.2. MIT/Lincoln Laboratory, Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, NH. Feb 2003.
Crisis Information Management Software (CIMS) Feature Comparison Report, Special Report, National Institute of Justice, Subject: Technology in law enforcement and information systems. Participation: CIMS Security. October 2002.
M. Kanter and S. Taylor, “Camouflaging Servers to Avoid Exploits”, TR11-001
S. Kuhn and S. Taylor, “Increasing Attacker Workload with Virtual Machines”, TR11-002
K. McGill and S. Taylor, “Operating System Support for Resilience”, TR11-003
K. McGill and S. Taylor, “Process Migration for Resilient Applications”, TR11-004
S. Taylor, M. Henson, M. Kanter, S. Kuhn, K. McGill, and C. Nichols, “Bear – A Resilient Operating System for Scalable Multi-processors”, TR11-005
K. McGill and S. Taylor, “Application Resilience with Process Failures”, TR11-006
S. Kuhn and S. Taylor, “A Survey of Forensic Analysis in Virtualized Environments”, TR11-007
K. McGill and S. Taylor, “Reliability Analysis of Resilient Applications”, TR11-008